The Holistic Guide

PHYTO 5 cosmetique naturels suisse guide holistique bien etre pensees positives effets sante etre heureux effets

Positive thoughts and health effects

Many studies have been published in recent decades that demonstrate the effectiveness of positive thoughts on our health. What about this truth that is often more complicated to apply than...

Positive thoughts and health effects

Many studies have been published in recent decades that demonstrate the effectiveness of positive thoughts on our health. What about this truth that is often more complicated to apply than...

La certification Ecocert

Ecocert certification

Active in more than 130 countries around the world, the Ecocert certification company guarantees a responsible approach towards the environment and consumers. Light on this essential certification, particularly in the...

Ecocert certification

Active in more than 130 countries around the world, the Ecocert certification company guarantees a responsible approach towards the environment and consumers. Light on this essential certification, particularly in the...

Quid des cosmétiques biologiques

What about organic cosmetics

Organic we hear about it everywhere, but how to find your way around? Is it really better for our skin?

What about organic cosmetics

Organic we hear about it everywhere, but how to find your way around? Is it really better for our skin?

PHYTO 5 guide holistique bien etre phyt'ether terre serum jaune equilibre de la creativite diagnostic aromatherapie holistique emotionnel serum huiles essentielles cosmetique naturel suisse holistique energetique laboratoire cosmetique suisse

I like yellow serum, why?

Your subconscious naturally guides you to the synergy of essential oils contained in our yellow serum, synonymous with change. We give you all the details in this article!

I like yellow serum, why?

Your subconscious naturally guides you to the synergy of essential oils contained in our yellow serum, synonymous with change. We give you all the details in this article!