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Clay, the favorite of face masks


When we think of a face mask, we immediately think of the clay mask, a superstar of facial beauty treatments and cocooning moments. Rightly so, clay is a great ally for our skin.

If clay is so appreciated in our skincare and face care routines, it is above all because it is a 100% natural product 🌱 . Clay is indeed a soil resulting from the erosion of hard rocks, while its virtues are numerous and unbeatable for a very long time.

Clay is above all sanitizing , it absorbs excess sebum from the skin as well as accumulated toxins. It is also a powerful remineralising agent , as it is rich in minerals including magnesium , calcium , zinc and even iron . Finally the clay is regenerating , it activates the renewal of the cells of our skin once the dead cells and the impurities have been eliminated. The clay mask is therefore the essential gesture in any treatment and care routine for the skin of our face. But be careful, to remain effective, it is not practiced more than once or twice a week in order to avoid any drying out and irritation of the skin. Another precaution also, the clay must always remain humid to remain efficient and act in depth, letting it dry completely dries out our pores and we obtain the opposite of the desired effect.

Presented in paste or powder, clay also takes on different colors, which all correspond to a type or condition of our skin. Here again, let's remain vigilant about its use in order to apply a treatment adapted to our skin. Purifying or hydrating? This is the essential question to ask yourself before applying a clay mask. For the rest, green clay, rich in minerals, will for example be more nourishing than red clay, which contains iron oxide, which targets cell regeneration.

You can find our five variations of clays adapted to each type of skin within the PHYTO 5 range of the 5 elements, with in particular the Wood , Fire , Earth , Metal and Water clay masks. Or our 100% organic clay mask from the Ageless La Cure range.

And after a moment of well-deserved cocooning, remember to moisturize your skin after each mask, with the Oligo 5 Spray followed by the Ageless Le Cure BIO Extreme Moisturizing Cream .

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