D'où vient la cellulite

Where does cellulite come from?

Beautician Secrets

Orange peel, in other words, cellulite, is a scourge for 90% of women and only 10% of men. PHYTO 5, at the request of its professional beautician clients, conducted the survey. Decades of research without much result, until the day we focused on this difference: cellulite affects more than 80% of women but only 10% of men!

But why ?

What makes a woman's body so different from a man's on a physiological level? Regardless of our opinion or gender, there are truths that, at the moment, are scientifically sound. A human being born male cannot become pregnant. The woman's body is therefore capable of creativity that the man's body cannot afford. And that's an important difference. The woman's body is regulated and renews itself automatically every month until menopause. This cycle involves hormones, which are certainly also present in humans, but in incomparable proportions.

The price of creativity

To give birth to a human being and design it entirely on the basis of 23 pairs of chromosomes, an ultra-sophisticated and extremely creative system is required. This system must achieve an exploit and, to do so, is perfectly organized with one objective which sometimes takes precedence over others: to give birth. And that's the key to cellulite. It is at this moment that things differentiate between the body of a woman and that of a man. Because on a physiological level, the process of maintaining and preparing a woman's body for procreation is a process that can be very aggressive, especially when the lifestyle is in contradiction with the mission.

To be continued ...

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
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