


Which Life Path Leads to Fulfillment?

In the realm of entrepreneurial success, PHYTO 5 is an interesting example. The brand's distributors are self-made individuals. Starting from almost nothing, they have built expertise in the field of holistic cosmetics. They have shared their knowledge and brought together hundreds of passionate professionals like themselves. Today, the passion has lasted for 40 years, and life paths have evolved significantly. Studying the motivations that drive someone to dedicate their life to a specific subject and remain motivated over time is what we will explore today. Understanding how to achieve success.

Let's Not Be Naive

When talking about success, particularly entrepreneurial or career success, we must remember that we live in a material world, and money and professional success are goals that many ambitious people share. We no longer tend to congratulate someone who decides to join a monastery or isolate themselves on a mountain to meditate. Today, success through material means is respected. So, it’s only natural, when discussing professional success, to question one's motivations.

Motivations Evolve

But in cases where one starts their career like a young lion searching for their place as a leader, if they remain motivated long enough and the adventure continues and grows, it's clear that motivations also evolve and goals transform. Ultimately, being perfectly honest, for most entrepreneurs, the need, often unconscious, is a need for recognition. Whether from others or oneself, it’s a powerful driving force that helps start the journey.

Raising the Curtain

But over time, we realize that life doesn’t always allow us to have the smooth, beautiful journey we had imagined. We are quickly faced with challenges, and each of them is a lesson. After the mandatory phase of "what's the point," if we withstand it, we enter the path of wisdom. Building deep and genuine success. Because ultimately, the true purpose of life isn't to succeed, but to understand. Why are we here struggling? What’s the point of all this activity? Why do things sometimes seem so difficult, yet at the same time, everything is so beautiful.

Letting Go

When you've been an entrepreneur for a while, taking risks and seizing opportunities, you eventually realize that we have very little control over what happens outside of ourselves. The universe's mission is to coordinate all efforts for the survival of the system and to ensure it fulfills its purpose. This mission is not always aligned with our immediate needs. So, even if at the beginning of an entrepreneurial adventure, we think we can control everything, we eventually give in to letting go and trusting. We allow ourselves to be carried.


Okay, so we let go, but then, what's my purpose? Good question. If we allow ourselves to be carried, then why am I here? There is one domain where we are absolute rulers. That domain is ourselves. It is the source of our beauty, the breath of our life, and our impact on this world. The energy we radiate. Our contribution, our karma. Many PHYTO 5 distributors/entrepreneurs have understood this. When you choose a field as demanding as natural and holistic beauty, if you persevere, you eventually discover this truth. Success is that. The first step is to understand the purpose of our life path, our domain of sovereignty, and then it’s up to us to radiate and bring beautiful energy and a positive impact to the world. Showing the way of beauty, gentleness, and charity is a bit like entering a monastery or going to meditate in the mountains, but it’s even more ambitious.

To be continued ...

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash
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